Song of Solomon Mass market paperback - 1978
de Morrison, Toni
- Usado
- Bien
- Tapa blanda
Envío estándar: de 4 a 8 días
- Título Song of Solomon
- Autor Morrison, Toni
- Encuadernación Mass Market Paperback
- Edición 1ST
- Estado Usado - Bien
- Páginas 341
- Volúmenes 1
- Idioma ENG
- Editorial Signet Book, New York
- Fecha de publicación 1978
- Inventario del vendedor # G0451083407I3N00
- ISBN 9780451083401 / 0451083407
- Nivel de lectura 870
- Dewey Decimal Code FIC
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Acerca de este libro
Identificación de primeras ediciones
Originally published by Alfred A. Knopf in 1977, the first edition is black cloth in a pictorial yellow jacket with black and burgundy lettering. It states “First Edition” on the copyright page and has a dust-jacket price of $8.95. The rear jacket flap has a photo of the author. First U.S. editions typically run between $150-250, with signed copies often available for $300-750.