Filosofía política y económica

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Librerías en Filosofía política y económica



de Karl Marx

A classic of early modernism, Capital combines vivid historical detail with economic analysis to produce a bitter denunciation of mid-Victorian capitalist society. It has also proved to be the most influential work in social science in the twentieth century; Marx did for social science what Darwin had done for biology. Millions of readers this century have treated Capital as a sacred text, subjecting it to as many different interpretations as the bible itself. No mere work of dry economics, Marx's great... Leer más sobre este artículo
The Origins Of Totalitarianism

The Origins Of Totalitarianism

de Hannah Arendt

The Origins of Totalitarianism (German Elemente und Ursprünge totaler Herrschaft, i.e. Elements and origins of totalitarian rule) is a book by Hannah Arendt which classed Nazism and Stalinism as totalitarian movements. Its original title was to be 'The Burden of Our Times', and the move away from this may have helped to obscure the main thrust of the book, which is far from being a straightforward study of the Nazi and Stalinist totalitarianism it might appear.
Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-Tung

Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-Tung

de Mao Tse-Tung

Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong, better known in the West as The Little Red Book, was published by the Government of the People's Republic of China from April 1964 until approximately 1976. As its title implies, it is a collection of quotations excerpted from Mao Zedong's past speeches and publications. The book's alternative title The Little Red Book was coined by the West for its pocket-sized edition, which was specifically printed and sold to facilitate easy carrying.
State and Revolution

State and Revolution

de Lenin V I

The State and Revolution (1917), by Vladimir Lenin, describes the role of the State in society, the necessity of proletarian revolution, and the theoretic inadequacies of social democracy in achieving revolution to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Marx For Beginners /

Marx For Beginners /

de Rius

Translation of Marx para principiantes.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 155-156).
Revolution Of Everyday Life

Revolution Of Everyday Life

de Raoul Vaneigem

The Revolution of Everyday Life is a 1967 book by Raoul Vaneigem, Belgian author, philosopher and former member of the Situationist International (1961-1970). In French the title of the work was more elaborate: Traité du savoir-vivre à l’usage des jeunes générations, or Treatise on Living for the Younger Generations. John Fullerton & Paul Sieveking, the first translators of the work into English, chose this alternative title.
The New Class

The New Class

de Milovan Djilas

This classic by an associate of Yugoslavia's Tito created a sensation when it was published in 1957 because it was the first time that a ranking Communist had publicly analyzed his disillusionment with the system.
The Ominous Parallels

The Ominous Parallels

de Leonard Peikoff

Ayn Rand chose Leonard Peikoff to be her successor as the spokesman for Objectivism. And in this brilliantly reasoned, thought-provoking work we learn why, as he demonstrates how far America has been detoured from its original path and led down the same road that Germany followed to Nazism. Self-sacrifice, Oriental mysticism, racial ?truth,? the public good, doing one?s duty--these are among the seductive catch-phrases that Leonard Peikoff dissects, examining the kind of philosophy they symbolize, the... Leer más sobre este artículo
The Revolution Betrayed

The Revolution Betrayed

de Leon Trotsky

The Revolution Betrayed: What Is the Soviet Union and Where Is It Going? is a book by the Russian Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky, published in 1937, analyzing and criticizing Stalinism and the post-Lenin development in the Soviet Union. Trotsky wrote the book during his exile in Norway. The book was originally translated into French by Victor Serge and its most notable English translation is by Max Eastman.
The Marx-Engels Reader

The Marx-Engels Reader

de Robert C Tucker



de Karl Marx

Main Currents Of Marxism

Main Currents Of Marxism

de Leszek Kolakowski

Masters Of Deceit

Masters Of Deceit

de J Edgar Hoover

Karl Marx

Karl Marx

de David McLellan



de Frederick Engels

Labor and Monopoly Capital

Labor and Monopoly Capital

de Harry Braverman

My Life

My Life

de Leon Trotsky

Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy

Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy

de Joseph A Schumpeter

Marx and Engels

Marx and Engels

de Karl; Engels, Frederick Marx

What Is To Be Done?

What Is To Be Done?

de Lenin V I

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The Marx-Engels Reader

de Karl; Engels, Friedrich Marx

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Collected Works

de Karl and Engels, Frederick Marx

Filosofía política y económica Libros & Coleccionables

Freedom Against Itself

Freedom Against Itself

de Streit, Clarence K

Labour Monthly April 1953

Labour Monthly April 1953

de Dutt, R Palme

The Paris Commune

The Paris Commune

de I, Lenin V

Soviet Communism

Soviet Communism

de Webb, Sidney and Beatrice

Marx and Engels

Marx and Engels

de Marx, Karl; Engels, Frederick



de Engels, Frederick

On Communism

On Communism

de Hoover, J Edgar