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Andre Strong Bookseller

Blue Hill, Maine, USA

Andre Strong Bookseller está especializada en Architecture, Art, Literature, Nautical, Photography, Poetry, Travel

Sobre Andre Strong Bookseller

Andre Strong Bookseller is located in Blue Hill, on the coast of Maine. We offer 22,000 books for sale online, and work from an office and rare book room, with a warehouse adjacent. We carry a wide selection of fine books on every subject, with specialization in art, architecture, photography, nautical, Maine and fiction. We do not have an open shop - if you'd like to visit, please arrange an appointment.

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Andre Strong Bookseller

P.O. Box 1300
33 Water St.
Blue Hill, ME 04614 USA
Teléfono: (207) 374-8825

Términos de venta de Andre Strong Bookseller

30 day return guarantee, with full refund including shipping costs for up to 30 days after delivery if an item arrives misdescribed or damaged.

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