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Defunct Books

Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Defunct Books está especializada en Antiquarian, Art, Classics, Collectible, Military History, Poetry, Regional History, World History

Sobre Defunct Books

We have 20,000+ used books covering all genres (only about 1/3 of our books are online). The store is located in the Five Points neighborhood of East Nashville. We're open Friday through Sunday, 12 p.m. to 4 p.m., Other times by appointment or happenstance. Please call in advance if you are looking for a particular subject.

Biblio Miembro desde

Defunct Books

1108 Woodland St #A
Nashville, TN 37206 USA
Teléfono: (615) 717-5852

Términos de venta de Defunct Books

Satisfaction guaranteed. If you're not satisfied with a purchase within 14 days (of receipt), we'll refund the purchase price of the book minus shipping and handling, provided the book is returned in the same condition it was purchased. If we make an error with your order, we will refund all fees upon return of your order. For international orders, we will always upgrade to Global Priority Mail for no additional charge from economy rate if the item(s) fit within a flat-rate envelope.

Formas de pago aceptadas

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
  • Paypal
Defunct Books store photo

¡También tenemos tienda física! Vísitanos en:

1108 Woodland St #A
Nashville, TN, United States
Horario de apertura
Monday Cerrado
Tuesday Cerrado
Wednesday Cerrado
Thursday Cerrado
Friday 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Saturday 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Sunday 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM

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