The Planet Meditation Kit

de Johari, Harish

• Tantric tools for harnessing the planetary energies that balance the psyche and improve physical, mental, and spiritual health. • 9 full-color authentic Hindu yantra cards, 5 audiocassettes of mantras corresponding to the planets, and a 32-page booklet of charts and instructions in an attractive boxed set. • Tantric seers have used this system for thousands of years to restore well-being. For thousands of years, tantric seers have observed the powerful influence of cosmic forces on humankind. Understanding that all planets, as they orbit, transmit specific frequencies of energy that affect everyone and everything on Earth, these seers created a system by which to harness these energies for maximum human benefit. By manipulating light, color, and sound frequencies through chanting mantras and meditating on yantra designs, we can direct these energies to work in our favor. In The Planet Meditation Kit, Harish Johari makes available the tools we need to cultivate our own relationships with the planets--especially the celestial bodies that have the greatest impact on our psyches and destinies.  Complete with 9 full-color Hindu yantras, 5 audiocassettes of mantras for the planets, and a booklet of charts and instructions on numerology and planetary behavior qualities, The Planet Meditation Kit helps you channel the energy of the cosmos. Each of the seven days is ruled by one of the planets and, in correspondence with our natal birth charts, so is each of us. Designed as practical aids to help overcome disharmonies that affect our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, each yantra contains specific colors and geometric forms, and each mantra particular sounds, that influence and alter the planetary energy in ways that restore balance to our lives. 


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