Reseñas por BibleStudyMan

New Jersey, United States

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La puntuación media de BibleStudyMan es de 5 sobre 5 estrellas.
El May 17 2009, BibleStudyMan dijo:
BibleStudyMan puntuó este libro con 5 de 5 estrellas.
Nothing could be worse than turning the living Bible into a boring and confusing tome. Yet, that is exactly what happens to so many, simply because they haven't been given the essential tools necessary to unlock the rich character of God�s Word for themselves. As "people of the Book," we Christians have received a privilege that truly is above all else. And yet, so often I hear believers expressing frustration in their attempts to study and understand God�s Word. Either they tell me they don't know how to get started� or they get bogged down in boring and monotonous study routines� or they don�t know the basics of being able to observe, interpret, and apply biblical principles to their own lives. That is why I am so excited about this book being published. Andy Deane has provided the church with an exceptional answer to this problem by giving the reader all the tools needed to grow in their understanding and love for God and His Word. In this one resource, Andy has done an amazingly thorough job of compiling a wide variety of Bible study methods and describing them in a way that is useful, concise, and practical. Frankly, I am surprised that no one has done this before. I believe Learn to Study the Bible, is a valuable resource for every Christian who wants to dig deeper into God�s Word, and also for anyone who has the opportunity to teach the Bible to others. It is a book that can be opened randomly to almost any page and on it you will find a new and exciting way to encounter the Word of God. I look forward to hearing how God uses it in the lives of His children. - Pastor Dave Rolph
El May 8 2009, BibleStudyMan dijo:
BibleStudyMan puntuó este libro con 5 de 5 estrellas.
"Wow has Andy shattered the cold stone ceiling of Bible study! No longer should the Bible remain mysterious and reserved for the theologians. Many Bible study methods morph into boring laborious monotony, but not this one. Learn to Study the Bible makes knowing the Bible adventurous, deeply personal, thought provoking and just plain fun. No matter where you open this book you will discover great new methods of digging into the treasure of God�s Word. Whether the chapter on Daily Devotions, the Rethink & Restate Method or Verse by Verse Charting, the next journey is more fun than the last one. Anyone wishing to cultivate the same passion for God�s Word that has transformed the author will love this book."