Reseñas por Earthdaughter

Washington, United States

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La puntuación media de Earthdaughter es de 5 sobre 5 estrellas.
El Oct 26 2008, Earthdaughter dijo:
Earthdaughter puntuó este libro con 5 de 5 estrellas.
If you are happy with the way that humanity is in the world today, do not read this book. The information contained in "The Chalice and the Blade" can cause a serious paradigm shift in your view of what it means to be human. My only regret is ignoring friends' advice for years and not reading it until this year. It should be required reading no later than high school. After reading this book, go on and read her others on partnership, sexuality, education and the economy. Then take action to help the partnership movement succeed in transforming the face of the earth!