Reseñas por KarenL

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La puntuación media de KarenL es de 4 sobre 5 estrellas.

Galileo Heretic

de Pietro Redondi

El Apr 11 2009, KarenL dijo:
KarenL puntuó este libro con 4 de 5 estrellas.
An interesting twist on the tired story of Galileo v the Church. While Galileo did use telescopes to look at the moon and sun, he was a scientist and a great reader --- He also was atomist, or a believer in invisible corpuscles [Read his "The Assayer" 1623] of matter that could not be changed. Thinking like this was dangerous in 1600's The Council of Trent produced reams of parchment on all sorts of topic -- one was the belief of Transubstantion. The 30 Years War was ongoing. It was not wise to have a scientist teach that atoms of x could not become q with magic words. I enjoyed this book, its research, and its use of Latin. It open the door for more research.