Reseñas por leopoldfuchs

Maine, United States

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La puntuación media de leopoldfuchs es de 4 sobre 5 estrellas.


de Philip Caputo

El May 24 2012, Leopoldfuchs dijo:
leopoldfuchs puntuó este libro con 5 de 5 estrellas.
If you want to give yourself a treat, if you think of Caputo as one of the best contemporary American authors, if you loved No Country for Old Men, then Caputo and this book are for you. I read Russel Banks, Richard Ford, Tom Mcguane,and Caputo. Rumor of War, Indian Country, The Voyage and Crossers, don't miss this one.
El Nov 15 2011, Leopoldfuchs dijo:
leopoldfuchs puntuó este libro con 2 de 5 estrellas.
If you were a fan of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle maintenance and need an update Passage to Juneau is the book to read.