Reseñas por thomaspb

Maryland, United States

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La puntuación media de thomaspb es de 5 sobre 5 estrellas.

Cancer and Vitamin C

de Linus Pauling, Ewan Cameron

El Jan 28 2009, Thomaspb dijo:
thomaspb puntuó este libro con 5 de 5 estrellas.
The coauthors of this book concisely yet thoroughly document their theory on the benefits of high doses of vitamin C. As a result of reading this book, I've personally been taking 9 to 12 grams of vitamin C per day with no negative side effects...only positive ones. Dr. Cameron's ethics as documented in this book are to be commended. He would not perform any studies using living cancer patients in which they would only take placebos in place of vitamin C. He believes that no terminally ill patient should be deprived of any therapy that would possibly provide treatment or alleviate discomfort. Rather than use living patients for the placebo population, he matched living terminally ill patients with deceased patients who were alike in age and type of cancer. This book is a quick read and lays out a compelling argument on the benefits of high doses of vitamin C as well as regular ingestion of other vitamins and amino acids.