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Resultados de búsqueda: biblia sacra vulgatae editionis sixti quinti de bible

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Biblia Sacra vulgatae editionis Sixti Quinti Pont. Max. jussu recognita atque edita.Including:...
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574; [2], 575-729, [2], [5 blank]; “637” [= 635], [1], [1 blank], [4 blank] (in place of [1], [3 blank]); 192; 479, [1 blank]; 861, [2], [1 blank]; 128, [186], [6 blank]; 336, [2], 337-758, [2], [8 blank] pp.A small Latin Vulgate bible printed by the Plantin-Moretus office in Antwerp, the smallest-format edition of the Sixtine-Clementine authorized Catholic text. The first volume of the Old Testament has only the engraved general title-page, while each of the remaining Old Textament volumes as printed has a separate volume title-page naming the books it covers (including the volume with the apocrypha, miscellaneos texts and the indexes. After the general title-page follow a preface to the reader, the decree of the Council of Trent, "Paulus Papa V. Ad futuram rei memoriam" (Pope Paul V died in 1621) and a privilege, dated Brussels, 1611. The Old Testament also has prefaces to the books. The New Testament has no preliminaries except its title-page. In 1546 the Council of Trent ordered a revision of… Leer más
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