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Resultados de búsqueda: little dorrit first edition in original de dickens charles

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  • Título: little dorrit first edition in original
  • Autor: dickens charles
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Collection of six First Editions, all bound uniformely around 1850 and all in their original...
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1839. London, Chapman and Hall, 1839 - 1857. Octavo. Hardcover / Mid-19th-century Half-Leather with gilt lettering on spine. Original marbled endpapers. Very good condition with only few layers and illustrations loosened and the usual tanning to the illustrations. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear. [The David Copperfield Volume has a defect (see detailed description below)]. Perfect collection of first editions to start a Dickens-Collection in contemporary, 19th-century bindings. Condition - Report on the set: 1. Dickens, Charles - Nicholas Nickleby. London, Chapman and Hall, London 1839. First Edition with mixed states (Second and First State). All text errors (first state of first edition points), but one (!), present: On page 123, line 17 already reads corrected "sister" instead of "visiter"; First State points follow in the rest of the publication: "flys" for "flies" on page 245 line 10; "visiters" instead of "visitors" on page 272 line 2; "incontestible" for "incontestable"… Leer más
EUR 18,800.00
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