Landscape Architecture from Royoung bookseller, Inc.
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American Country Houses of Today; Chiefly For Moderate Incomes
de Aymar Embry II (Preface)
- Estado
- Usado - Orig. brown cloth front cover printed in gilt. Very good
- Edición
- First edition
- Published
- 1917
- Encuadernación
- Hardcover
- Cantidad disponible
- 1
- Librería
ardsley, New York, USA
- Precio
EUR 137.73
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New York: Architectural Press Book Publishing Company, Inc, 1917. First edition. Hardcover. Orig. brown cloth front cover printed in gilt. Very good. IX, 118 pages. 28 x 22 cm. All architects with home designs herein listed, including H.T. Lindeberg, Charles Platt and Aymar Embry II. Photographs with accompanying plans and a listing of all architects represented. Interior contents… Saber más sobre este artículo Precio
EUR 137.73
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American Country Houses of To-Day; An Illustrated Account Of Some Excellent Houses Built An Gardens Planted During The Last Few Years Showing Unmistakable Influence Of The Modern Trend In Ideals Architectural
de Howe, Samuel
- Estado
- Usado - Orig. navy cloth front cover printed and decorated in gilt. Very good
- Edición
- First edition
- Published
- 1915
- Encuadernación
- Hardcover
- Cantidad disponible
- 1
- Librería
ardsley, New York, USA
- Precio
EUR 266.28
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New York: Architectural Press Book Publishing Company, Inc, 1915. First edition. Hardcover. Orig. navy cloth front cover printed and decorated in gilt. Very good. XIX, 424 pages. 28 x 22 cm. A more detailed presentation than works from this publisher printed in later years. Chapters on Stucco, Brick and Half-Timber and Framed House, Stone House, et al. List… Saber más sobre este artículo Precio
EUR 266.28
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The Architect, A Series of Original Designs, For Domestic and Ornamental Cottages and Villas Connected With Landscape Gardening, Adapted To The United States; Illustrated By Drawings of Ground Plots, Plans, Perspective Views, Elevations, Sections and Details
de Ranlett, William H.
- Estado
- Usado - Vol. 1 wear to corners, Vol. II rebacked in black cloth with gilt front cover design replicated on vol. 1. cover but not colored
- Edición
- First edition
- Published
- 1851
- Cantidad disponible
- 1
- Librería
ardsley, New York, USA
- Precio
EUR 872.29
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New York: William H. Graham, 1851. First edition. Vol. 1 wear to corners, Vol. II rebacked in black cloth with gilt front cover design replicated on vol. 1. cover but not colored. Very good. 2 Vols. Folio, 37" x 28 cm. Sets of both volumes are rare. HITCHCOCK 971. Notes scattered holdings of Volumes I and II, but… Saber más sobre este artículo Precio
EUR 872.29
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Some English Gardens
de Jekyll, Gertrude & George S. Elgood
- Estado
- Usado - Orig. navy cloth, spine and front cover lettered in gilt. Teg. Very good
- Edición
- First edition
- Published
- 1904
- Encuadernación
- Hardcover
- Cantidad disponible
- 1
- Librería
ardsley, New York, USA
- Precio
EUR 321.37
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London: Longman's Green, 1904. First edition. Hardcover. Orig. navy cloth, spine and front cover lettered in gilt. Teg. Very good. 131 pages. 34 x 24 cm, fifty full-page colored plates. Scarce and very collectable work by the doyen of English landscape architecture. Gertrude Jekyll concentrated her design work on applying plants in a variety of settings, woodland gardens,… Saber más sobre este artículo Precio
EUR 321.37
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Observations, Relative Chiefly To Picturesque Beauty, Made in the Year 772, On several Parts of England; Particularly The Mountains and Lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland
de Gilpin, William
- Estado
- Usado - Contemporary gilt decorated brown calf. Aeg. Very good. 2 Vols
- Edición
- Third edition
- Published
- 1792
- Encuadernación
- Leather_bound
- Cantidad disponible
- 1
- Librería
ardsley, New York, USA
- Precio
EUR 454.51
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London: R. Blamire, 1792. Third edition. leather_bound. Contemporary gilt decorated brown calf. Aeg. Very good. 2 Vols. 238, 264 (xiv). 22.5 x 14 cm. Thirty aquatint plates. Errata. RUSSEL p.55. "Gilpin is more closely identified with the picturesque movement than some of the greater artists and deeper thinkers." Contents generally clean, owner signature free endpaper of Vol.I &… Saber más sobre este artículo Precio
EUR 454.51
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Remarks On Forest Scenery, And Other Woodland Views, (Relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty) Illustrated By The Scenes Of New-Forest In Hampshire
de Gilpin, William
- Estado
- Usado - Contemporary brown tree calf, marbled endpapers, raised bands spines richly gilt in floral arabesques. Near fine. Three vols. in
- Edición
- First edition
- Published
- 1791
- Encuadernación
- Leather_bound
- Cantidad disponible
- 1
- Librería
ardsley, New York, USA
- Precio
EUR 780.47
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London: R. Blamire, 1791. First edition. leather_bound. Contemporary brown tree calf, marbled endpapers, raised bands spines richly gilt in floral arabesques. Near fine. Three vols. in two. 22 x 14.5. [*4, A-Y8, **2] & [*1, B-U8, X4, b8, c2]. Double page map and 31 tinted aquatints or soft ground etchings. The plates for this work were divided between… Saber más sobre este artículo Precio
EUR 780.47
The Fruits and Fruit Trees of America; or The Culture, Propagation, and Management,in The Garden and Orchard, etc.
de Downing, A.J.
- Estado
- Usado - Orig. publisher's, forest green cloth. Very good
- Published
- 1846
- Encuadernación
- Hardcover
- Cantidad disponible
- 1
- Librería
ardsley, New York, USA
- Precio
EUR 229.55
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New York: Wiley & Putnam, 1846. Hardcover. Orig. publisher's, forest green cloth. Very good. 594 pages. 20 x 12.4 cm. More than 210 text illustrations. Extensive Index to the Different Fruits. General Index. Abbreviations and Books Quoted.Downing notes, "there are more peaches exposed in the markets of New York, annually, than are raised in all of France;" a… Saber más sobre este artículo Precio
EUR 229.55
A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to America; With A View To The Improvement Of Country Residences; With Remarks On Rural Architecture
de Downing, A.J.
- Estado
- Usado - Orig. green cloth front cover and spine decorted in gilt. Near fube
- Edición
- Seventh Edition
- Published
- 1865
- Encuadernación
- Hardcover
- Cantidad disponible
- 1
- Librería
ardsley, New York, USA
- Precio
EUR 137.73
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New York: Orange Judd Agricultural Book Publishers, 1865. Seventh Edition. Hardcover. Orig. green cloth front cover and spine decorted in gilt. Near fube. 576 pages. 23 x 15.5 cm. Enlarged, Revised and Newly Illustrated. With a Supplement by Henry Winthrop Sargent
Frontispiece, Host of full page and smaller wood engraved illustrations. Downing is widely considered the be the… Saber más sobre este artículo Precio
EUR 137.73
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Les Beaux Jardins De France; Introduction De R. Ed. Andre
de Saint-Sauvuer, Hector (pseud. of Charles Massin)
- Estado
- Usado - Orig. three quarter black cloth with ties and green boards lettered in gilt with front cover pictorial inlays. Near fine. 2 Vols
- Edición
- First edition
- Published
- 1921
- Encuadernación
- Hardcover
- Cantidad disponible
- 1
- Librería
ardsley, New York, USA
- Precio
EUR 298.42
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Paris: Ch. Massin & Cie, 1921. First edition. Hardcover. Orig. three quarter black cloth with ties and green boards lettered in gilt with front cover pictorial inlays. Near fine. 2 Vols. 23 pages. 44.5 x 32 cm. Title page printed in red and black. 44 collotype plates printed from photographs. Among the fine gardens here presented are those… Saber más sobre este artículo Precio
EUR 298.42
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Les Jardins De France Des Origines A La Fine Du XVIIIe Siècle
de Stein, Henri
- Estado
- Usado
- Edición
- First Edition
- Published
- 1913
- Cantidad disponible
- 1
- Librería
ardsley, New York, USA
- Precio
EUR 252.50
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Paris: D-A. Longuet, 1913. First Edition. Folio, 39 x 29 cm. 104 Plates. 393 Reproductions d'après des estampes anciennes et des documents originaux inédits. Text in French. Each plate contains Chateau or physical property for gardens described. Black and white plates. The author was a Convservateur for the National Archives. Precio
EUR 252.50
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The Topography Of Troy And Its Vicinity; Illustrated And Explained By Drawing And Descriptions. Dedicated By Permission, To Her Grace The Duchess Of Devonshire
de Gell, William
- Estado
- Usado - Half tan modern antique niger, original marbled sides, spine gilt with morocco lettering-piece gilt, bound by W. Forth with cont
- Edición
- First edition
- Published
- 1804
- Encuadernación
- Hardcover
- Cantidad disponible
- 1
- Librería
ardsley, New York, USA
- Precio
EUR 4,586.41
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London: T.N. Longman And O.Rees, 1804. First edition. Hardcover. Half tan modern antique niger, original marbled sides, spine gilt with morocco lettering-piece gilt, bound by W. Forth with contemporary binders' ticket. Near fine. 124 pages. Folio, 43.5 x 27.5 cm. Hand-colored engraved vignette on title-page, 31 engraved and aquatint plates on 30 sheets, 3 of which folding, and 14 mostly… Saber más sobre este artículo Precio
EUR 4,586.41
ALS to Mrs. Abbott
de Manship, Paul
- Estado
- Usado - Cream paper. Fine
- Published
- Sunday
- Encuadernación
- Wraps
- Cantidad disponible
- 1
- Librería
ardsley, New York, USA
- Precio
EUR 91.82
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Nd: Np, Sunday. Wraps. Cream paper. Fine. 4 leaves, 23 x 15 cm. Letterhead: Newport House And Cottages, Bar Harbor, Maine -- Thomas P. Jones Proprietor. an undated ALS noted "Sunday." Manship discusses his stay in Maine was to arrange an exhibition of his works, and an offer to visit Mrs. Abbott with ideas for a set of… Saber más sobre este artículo Precio
EUR 91.82
Callaway Gardens Legacy of a Dream; Preface by Lady Bird Johnson * Text by Steve Bender * Photographs by Langdon Clay
de New York. Callaway Editions
- Estado
- Usado - Orig. illustrated boards. Fine in fine dust wrapper
- Edición
- First edition
- Published
- 1996
- Encuadernación
- Hardcover
- Cantidad disponible
- 1
- Librería
ardsley, New York, USA
- Precio
EUR 27.55
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New York: Calaway Editions, 1996. First edition. Hardcover. Orig. illustrated boards. Fine in fine dust wrapper. 144 pages. 35 x 27.5 cm. Located outside Atlanta,Georgia and noted as the largest public garden in the world,also contains the largest azalea garden in existence. The gardens span fourteen thousand acres housing a butterfly center and a horticultural center and vegetable… Saber más sobre este artículo Precio
EUR 27.55
America in Bloom Great American Gardens Open to the Public; Introduction by Phoebe Cutler
de Alcosser, Murray (Photographer)
- Estado
- Usado - Orig. mauve cloth decorated in blind. Fine in fine dust wrapper
- Edición
- First edition
- Published
- 1991
- Encuadernación
- Hardcover
- Cantidad disponible
- 1
- Librería
ardsley, New York, USA
- Precio
EUR 36.73
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New York: Rizzoli, 1991. First edition. Hardcover. Orig. mauve cloth decorated in blind. Fine in fine dust wrapper. 225 pages. 29 x 23.5 cm. Profusely illustrated with color plates printed on high gloss stock. List of Public Gardens represented. Public Garden Source List. Index. Precio
EUR 36.73
The American Fruit Culturist, Containing Practical Directions For The Propagation And Culture Of Fruit Trees In The Nursery, Orchard, And Garden
de Thomas, John T.
- Estado
- Usado - Orig. dark green cloth backstrip lettered in gilt. Very good
- Published
- 1867
- Encuadernación
- Hardcover
- Cantidad disponible
- 1
- Librería
ardsley, New York, USA
- Precio
EUR 55.09
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New York: William Wood & Co, 1867. Hardcover. Orig. dark green cloth backstrip lettered in gilt. Very good. 511 pages. 20.5 x 13.5 cm. This expanded edition with 408 illustrations is newly arranged and rewritten based on Downing's (Fruits and Fruit Trees of America) first edition which appeared after the first edition of this title. General Index and… Saber más sobre este artículo Precio
EUR 55.09
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Observations On The Theory And Practice Of Landscape Gardening. Including Some Remarks On Grecian And Gothic Architecture, Collected From Various Manuscripts, In The Possession Of The Different Nobleman And Gentlemen, For Whose Use They Were Originally Written; The Whole Tending To Establish Fixed Principles In The Respective Arts
de Repton, Humphry
- Estado
- Usado - Modern, sympathetic full brown calf and marbled boards. AEG. Fine
- Edición
- First edition
- Published
- 1803
- Encuadernación
- Leather_bound
- Cantidad disponible
- 1
- Librería
ardsley, New York, USA
- Precio
EUR 9,641.10
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London: T. Bensley for J. Taylor, 1803. First edition. leather_bound. Modern, sympathetic full brown calf and marbled boards. AEG. Fine. 222 [2] pages. 35 x 29.5. Stipple engraved portrait of Repton, twenty-seven engraved plates [12 hand-colored, 3 tinted, 12 with overslips, one colored folding and one double page]. Numerous engraved aquatint vignettes, one hand-colored, two with overslips. After… Saber más sobre este artículo Precio
EUR 9,641.10
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The Florist's Manual, Or, Hints Of A Gay Flower-Garden; With Directions For Preventing The Depredations of Insects, Observations On The Treatment And Growth Of Bulbous Plants, Curious Facts Respecting Their Management, And Directions For The Culture Of The Guernsey Lily, Etc..
de Jackson, Maria Elizabeth
- Estado
- Usado - Quarter brown calf and dark salmon boards. Very good
- Edición
- New Edition
- Published
- 1827
- Encuadernación
- Hardcover
- Cantidad disponible
- 1
- Librería
ardsley, New York, USA
- Precio
EUR 527.96
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London: Henry Colburn, 1827. New Edition. Hardcover. Quarter brown calf and dark salmon boards. Very good. 136 pages. 19 x 11.5 cm. Six colored aquatint plates, one a large foldout. HENREY Vol.II, p.583. "No author's name appears on the title the later editions the author signed her name and address" (rear of book). ABBEY LIFE p.13. Wide… Saber más sobre este artículo Precio
EUR 527.96
Architettura Campestre
de Hunt, Thomas Frederick
- Estado
- Usado - Orig. publisher thick gray boards with illustrated front cover paper label. later cloth backstrip. Very good
- Edición
- First edition
- Published
- 1827
- Encuadernación
- Boards
- Cantidad disponible
- 1
- Librería
ardsley, New York, USA
- Precio
EUR 376.46
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London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1827. First edition. Boards. Orig. publisher thick gray boards with illustrated front cover paper label. later cloth backstrip. Very good. 28 pages in text. 32 x 25 cm. Twelve full-page lithographed plates with descriptive text -- "designs for a summer house and gardener's residence, a garden cottage, a gate lodge. a… Saber más sobre este artículo Precio
EUR 376.46
The Young Painter's Maulstick; Being A Practical Treatise On Perspective; Containing Rules And Principles For Delineation On Planes, etc.
de Malton, Thomas
- Estado
- Usado - Contemporary roan covered boards, backstrip rebacked in cloth. Very good
- Edición
- First edition
- Published
- 1800
- Encuadernación
- Boards
- Cantidad disponible
- 1
- Librería
ardsley, New York, USA
- Precio
EUR 137.73
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London: Published for the Author, 1800. First edition. Boards. Contemporary roan covered boards, backstrip rebacked in cloth. Very good. 71 pages. 28 x 23 1/2 cm. Illustrated with drawings. COLVIN p535. "He exhibited a number of architectural drawings which he showed at London exhibitions. He never practised as an architect, but appears to have taught perspective....." Part one… Saber más sobre este artículo Precio
EUR 137.73
Old Fashioned Flowers
de Sitwell, Sacheverell
- Estado
- Usado - Orig. green cloth rubbed at backstrip extremities. Very good
- Edición
- First edition
- Published
- 1959
- Encuadernación
- Hardcover
- Cantidad disponible
- 1
- Librería
ardsley, New York, USA
- Precio
EUR 59.68
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London: Country Life, 1959. First edition. Hardcover. Orig. green cloth rubbed at backstrip extremities. Very good. Farleigh, John. 193 pages. 25 x 19 cm.Twelve color plates by John Farleigh, with additional drawings by him in the text. Index. Edges spotted. Precio
EUR 59.68